Wedding Photography and Videography Tips

Photography and videography are the cornerstones of most weddings, so it’s important to get them right. Your photos and videos will be cherished for years to come, so it’s worth taking the time to plan out your photographer and videographer’s schedule as well as your own. If you want your wedding photography and videography to look great without costing an arm and a leg, consider following these simple tips from seasoned wedding professionals to make sure your big day looks exactly how you pictured it.

Wedding Photography Dos

While wedding photography may be an art, there are some do’s and don’ts you can follow to ensure your wedding photos will be as stunning as possible. Although it is tough to nail down every specific detail in advance (since so much of it depends on weather, lighting, etc.), there are some important tips that every photographer should keep in mind when shooting a wedding. Additionally, if you need help with any aspect of planning or execution at your upcoming wedding shoot, just ask! Our local photographers would love to work with you! Click here for our contact info. And lastly, we wanted to give one lucky reader a $100 credit toward services. To view our discounts promotions click here! Good luck!

There’s no denying how convenient smartphones have become in helping us manage our time and various aspects of life – including weddings. People use them for everything from getting directions to paying bills to managing finances – but did you know they’re also awesome tools for planning a wedding? Wedding photographers, here are useful wedding planning apps every one of our clients should consider using to help make their special day run as smoothly as possible.

Wedding Photography Don’ts

One of the great wedding photography myths is that you need an album. While some guests will appreciate a beautiful coffee table book, most people would rather enjoy your photos online or on their mobile devices. That’s not to say that digital media is a replacement for albums, but it’s certainly how we consume content these days. If you are not set on getting an album from your photographer, be sure to inquire about pricing in advance so you know what exactly it will cost. Many packages don’t include albums unless you specifically request them before hand.

Do I Still Need an Album?

Many couples are opting to forgo wedding albums these days, mostly because it can be a hassle to figure out where to put them. You might have heard that album sales have been in decline as of late, but there are many other reasons couples opt not to buy wedding albums—and photography is still one of those services that’s worth paying for (if you find an artist you like). If you decide against buying an album at least make sure your photographer gives you lots of digital images. Don’t forget about trying to get a pre-wedding photo shoot with your fiancé either.

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